Sunday, May 17, 2020

Golden Mean Research Paper Golden Meaning - 2244 Words

Steve Gardella COMM 1310 Golden Mean Research Paper Due 4/14/2015 Perhaps the earliest depiction of the idea of balance finds its home in Crete with the mythological story of Daedalus and Icarus. The story follows Daedalus, a Cretan inventor and craftsman, and his son Icarus as they are imprisoned in the labyrinth of King Minos after Daedalus betrayed the king and it was discovered. Recognizing that the two would surely face death because of the impossibility of escaping the maze by land or sea, Daedalus cleverly fashions two pairs of wings for him and his son out of osier and wax to escape through the air. He teaches Icarus how to use the wings and warns him â€Å"to wing your course along the middle air; if low, the surges wet your flagging plumes; if high, the sun the melting wax consumes.† As the myth dictates, Icarus becomes too infatuated with the sensation of flying and flies too close to the sun, thereby melting the wax and falling to his death in the sea (The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus) This story becomes the embodime nt of the sense of balance. This concept of balance has been discussed in a philosophical sense since well before the time of Aristotle and long after his death. Broadly speaking, the world has seen many belief systems and areas of thought that had a sense of balance as a central tenet. From Christianity to Islam, Greece to China, and of course the father of what is now known as the golden mean, Aristotle. In its simplest form, the golden mean isShow MoreRelatedThe Golden Parachute5114 Words   |  21 PagesMGMT 322 G1 INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY THE GOLDEN PARACHUTE Prepared for: Professor Toru Yoshikawa By: Matthew Lim Zhi Liang S9118245I An Introduction to the Golden Parachute When we talk about executive compensation, one topic that never fails to come up is the Golden Parachute. The Golden Parachute, as the name suggest is an executive safety net of sorts that is included in the employment contracts of senior-level executives. Basically it is a special paymentRead MoreFractals: Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Giza, the Parthenon1575 Words   |  7 Pagesarchitectural feats-- Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Giza, the Parthenon, many Gothic Cathedrals, and the Taj Mahal-- and that they all somehow involved the use of the golden ratio. 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